Friday, May 29, 2009

the Cross is always ready!

Last October (I think) Cam and I decided to make a last minute trip to Edmonton in order to see Jason Upton in concert. If you don't know who Jason Upton is, I highly encourage you to visit his website at and listen to some of his music! I guarantee you'll fall in love and hopefully be taken to new places in the Spirit!

The first song he played at the concert was a song called "The Kingdom Song" which we thought was going to be on his new album (1200 Feet Below Sea Level) he was promoting that evening. Unfortunately it wasn't, however the new c.d. is awesome despite the missing song! I hope you'll take a listen, as I found the song on You Tube! Words so simple that are piercing revelation! My hope is that it appears on a future c.d. of his! Enjoy!

The Kingdom Song

There is a pure and undefiled religion, walking with you Jesus
You are the blessed hope, You are the Risen Son
There were witnesses at resurrection, calling everyone
To walk the royal way, To sing the Kingdom Song

The cross, the cross is always ready
Every day it waits for me
Christ our narrow road, our vision
Christ, the everlasting seed

Jesus I want to follow
Jesus we want to follow

Thursday, May 28, 2009

just a kid whose been chosen

Well, this is the first post that I am writing as I am new to blogging . . . this may mean that I am wasting more of my life away by being on the computer, but I believe it will also be a way to express what's going on in my head and heart, sort of like a public journal as to Candace Aitken's life!

As I was going through the steps of creating the blog I was seriously stumped on what to title my blog. I confess that I looked at several friends' blogs to see what they entitled theirs! Oh, so shameful! Haha. However, not wanting to be unoriginal I prayed to God asking Him what He would like to see as a title.

Perhaps a little too spiritual as I thought "why would God care what I titled my blog page?" let alone why am I even praying about something so silly? But I prayed anyways and just waited . . . Quite ridiculous really that I couldn't think up either a witty title or something that could captivate my audience.

So, as the waiting continued, I decided to look at some pictures for inspiration. I eventually landed on the one as shown above. This picture was taken by my husband Cam while on our honeymoon. I think it was our second day staying at our Bed and Breakfast on Thetis Island.

I remember the mornings being incredibly beautiful as we had a balcony that overlooked a huge valley. I remember looking out the window, being very insightful and taking a moment to take everything in . . . a marriage that just happened and now a new life . . . two becoming one . . .

As I thought back to that moment, the title for my blog kinda came out of it: I'm just a kid, whose very in love with the Father, a sister to and co-heir with Jesus, a kid who is His servant who has been chosen. Needless to say the title became: just a kid whose been chosen. Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I'm sure I'll enjoy posting them! Please feel free to comment and I will do my best in responding back! Blessings!