Thursday, October 15, 2009

when the time comes

Can't get this song out of my head, perhaps there's something to it! Take a listen, I'm sure you won't be able to get it out of your head as well!

When The Time Comes

You are wisdom but you ask questions
Thank you God for never telling me a lie

Your decisions are mostly hidden
The stage you stand upon is not for human eyes

You tell me not to worry about tomorrow But I worry anyway
You tell me you’ll take care of all my troubles
Jesus, teach me how to wait

You are future but you are present
Thank you God for never running from your past

You’re committed to your creation
For everything you’ve made your love forever lasts

You tell me not to worry about tomorrow but I worry anyway
You tell me you’ll take care of all my troubles
Jesus, teach me how to wait

When the time comes, I will see forever
When the time comes, It’ll be all right
When the time comes, I will be the one asking why

why did I ever doubt you

Saturday, October 3, 2009

discipline and obedience and my desire for other things

God has me on a journey, a spiritual walk into the discipline of fasting. The following is a piece to the work He is doing within me:

Food has become a quiet anesthesia to the emotions that I feel such as sadness, discouragement, fear of failure, or even depression. Because I have medicated myself with food for so long I have lost what it feels like to sit in the discomfort and call out to my Heavenly Papa. My discomfort hungers for immediate satisfaction and chokes out any growth my spirit desires to undergo. In my weakness I listen to its demand and fill my face with food until I am satisfied and content. Yet it does not last long and I find myself in the seat of agony once again. Here I sit faced with a choice . . . perhaps I'll see what's in the fridge.