Was up at 5:50 this morning. I've been pretty addicted to getting up early these days. You might not think that is a bad thing, but it's because I've been addicted to watching Canada am!?!
Lately I've been so enthused with the news which is something I thought I'd never be into especially growing up. I hated when my parents would turn on the 5 o'clock news! It was so boring to me not to mention extremely depressing. However, I'm loving getting up, making myself a cup of warm coffee, making a little breakfast and sitting and watching the news!?! Who knew???
However, I'd like to think I have an addiction to the mornings rather than the news as I find myself becoming more and more of a morning person . . . could I be getting old? Something about getting up when you know most people are still sleeping is inviting. I feel like I have a secret that no else knows about. And to top it all off, I believe I have been connecting with God without even realizing it . . . until just now that is!
I find that I start praying about the things going on in the world without thinking about it first . . . like praying for God to lead people to find Victoria Stafford, and Air France 447 . . . so many things going on in our world . . . just reminds me how big the world is but just how much BIGGER God is!
Alright . . . I've been sitting here for way too long . . . it's time to get on with the day!
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