Monday, June 1, 2009

service with purpose affirms identity

"When God chose to bring the Messiah through the Virgin Mary, He sent Gabriel the angel to bring the message. When the apostle Paul was about to suffer shipwreck, an angel of the Lord told him what would happen. On numerous occasions throughout Scripture angels did what God could have done easily Himself. But why didn't God do those things Himself? For the same reason He doesn't preach the gospel: He has chosen to let His creation enjoy the privilege of service in His Kingdom. Service with purpose affirms identity. A godly self-esteem is derived from doing 'as He pleases.' And true service is an overflow of worship" (141).

Recently I just finished a book entitled When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson. The book in essence is about changing the way we think about the supernatural so much so that the author advocates that "by rediscovering our true identity in Him that we can begin to move into the promises of God regarding the miraculous."

A lot of what Johnson says I agree with and believe in. Lately I've been thinking a lot about identity. The question: "What is my identity?" has been popping up a great deal in the past year. It even popped up in a conversation I was having with my husband yesterday after church as he stated: "I don't think I know who I am anymore?" He continued on to say: "I used to know who I was based on what I was into, like how I liked going to parties, and how I liked being a soccer player, but now, I just don't know anymore?"

So many times, we identify ourselves by what we "do" . . . "I am a CEO" . . . "I am a teacher" . . . "I am a hockey player." Even when I read Johnson's statement: "Service with purpose affirms identity" I was somewhat confused as I thought he was saying that we are defined by what we do. However, as I thought about it a little more deeply I realized that I am the most fulfilled whenever I am "doing" something or "serving" in a way where it gives me purpose. What is this about? Could this be the essence to my identity?

As I've thought a lot about this over the past while I realized that when God knit me together in my mother's womb He knit into me specific gifts: spiritual gifts, natural gifts, talents, strengths, abilities, dreams, desires, etc. I also realized that in being part of the body of believers (ie. the church) my gifts and everything else that comes along with being "Candace Aitken" must be used if the body is to function at its best.

This got me thinking . . . whenever I am "doing" or "serving" and am feeling of purpose I am in fact functioning out of my gifts, strengths, talents, etc. as what I've noticed is that I feel a great sense of purpose because I feel strong and succeed. Huh! Maybe, just maybe, that was God's intentions and plan??? For me to feel strong and for me to know what succeeding feels like through using my gifts and talents? Could there be a connection here in terms of identity?

Perhaps instead of identifying myself as "Candace Aitken . . . I am a student" maybe I should start identifying myself as "Candace Aitken . . . a child of God with gifts and natural abilities that include leadership, empathy, prophesy, intercession, pastoring, drive, focus, etc. Maybe I shouldn't define myself by what I "do" but rather by my "being".

Perhaps in understanding my gifts and everything that comes along with that I might just start understanding my true identity. Hence, Johnson's statement then makes perfect sense: 'service with purpose affirms identity'! When we function out of our gifts it gives us purpose and in effect affirms more deeply who we are and who we were created be.

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