Monday, June 8, 2009

Simple words, yet words of life

Was sitting in Starbucks just the other day, and I read this excerpt out of Finney's book:
"Indeed I read my Bible on my knees a great deal during those days . . . beseeching the Lord to teach me His own mind . . . I had no where to go but directly to the Bible . . . " And here he laid the groundwork for all his evangelistic appeals. From henceforth, whether confronting individuals with the Gospel, preaching to multitudes or teaching in the lecture room, he was an evangelist whose dogmas were the heart of the Bible thrown at men's souls.
Funny enough I was having a conversation with a good friend yesterday about those people who have touched our lives, whom I deem as "beautiful people" who when they speak, they may speak one piece of Scripture out of the Bible that is so simple and you may read over it numerous times, but for some reason whenever they speak it into your life you have this transforming experience with the Father that thins the air between heaven and earth. Usually an experience that leaves you wanting more!

What I believe this is, is taking up the authority the Father desires to give freely and speaking the life giving words of the Bible out of courageous faith, only done in partnership with the Holy Spirit. When spoken in this way, words so simple become incredibly powerful, freeing, and Christ transforming.

I think Finney was on to something!

Well, this is my second last night in Canada before I jet set away to Germany. I hope to have lots of things to report whenever I return . . . until then, Auf Wiedersehen!

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