Tuesday, March 16, 2010

the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these

It's 2 am and I can't sleep . . . seems to be happening a lot lately. I've been thinking about how well I used to sleep and how as I have gotten older it has become increasingly harder to have a solid night's rest. What could be carrying on so deep within my mind that I can't set it aside for the night? . . . work? . . . school? . . . tomorrow's plans? . . . how I can't sleep? . . . round and round my mind goes, when it stops no one knows! I think the real question is why is my head so full of worry? It is interesting how fear leads to worry and worry leads to stress. So where is this fear coming from? What am I so afraid of? And why as I have gotten older am I increasingly more fearful? If worrying can not even add one single moment to my life (Matthew 6) why do I allow it to consume my time? Seems a little counter intuitive!?!

Oh Papa, remind of what it is to be a child. A sleeping babe, the essence of the heart of those You say the Kingdom belongs. Don't let me forget! . . . . goodnight . . .

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