Tuesday, April 6, 2010

a time to learn and grow

I think I've lost site of what I'm doing all of this for . . . how did pushing myself to get good grades take place of desiring to learn because I've been given a brain to think, learn and grow? Why am I so focused on trying to make everything perfect? Why do I strive to please people? What's in it for me anyways? a pat on the back? a moment of glory? a moment of praise? How is this transforming, not only for me, but for those around me? God revealed to me that this year was a time to learn and grow. Thinking it was a time to learn and grow in the area of scholastics and academia it has been so much more. I've learned that time is precious and we can either use it beneficially or squander it for fleeting pleasures. I've learned that relationship and community is important as it is edifying, encouraging, where pure love is shared and given, and where the Spirit loves to move. I've learned that sleep is important, no matter how much I want to stay up and watch an episode of The Office! I've learned that eating well and participating in physical exercise does a world of good rather than declining from these easy actions. I've learned that reading can be fun and not a strain on the brain and eyes. I've learned that encouraging others is fun and fills me with joy. I've learned that listening before speaking is soothing and calming. I've learned that spending time with God is not just an option, but is something that my soul and spirit desparately yearn for and need . . . as it is in these times where I have learned all of the aforementioned and even more.

1 comment:

  1. Great, great lessons. These are things that seem "common sense" but that we forget. They are also counter-cultural: our society praises those who get by on "little sleep," and builds neighborhoods that aren't conducive to good community.
